Saturday 31 May 2014

British Invasion: Day 11

Today, our goal was finding a bookshop. So we visited Leicester Square. For those who have never been there, let me say that it is Times Square like we see in the movies, but in a British and elegant, full of live way.

Yes, that is a M&Ms Shop.

Then, we got a little lost, but still enjoyed very must the classical architecture:

 Royal Opera House:

We stopped at Charing Cross to lunch. I had an iced moccha and ate a red velvet at EAT.

We found a bookshop, called WaterStones. I have to say that it is pretty amazing, with good books and incredibly organized. I saw the Doctor Who books, Sherlock Holmes, The Vampire Diaries, some Nora Roberts, a lot of Philippa Gregory's and Harry Potter! The secction of ESOL was really good and it had a lot to choose from.
I bought one book that I wanted very much, but I read the 1st book of the series last year and I fell in love with the story: City of Ashes, by Cassandra Clare.
Now, I can't wait to finish my Jane Austen´s book and start reading City of Ashes.

When we were on our way back home, we saw the same cat of yesterday. He is really cute and did a few poses to my camera:

Friday 30 May 2014

British Invasion: Day 10

I hope you had an amazing day as we had!

We did some grocery shopping and then my mum had a job interview, which went really well! She got the job!

While we were going to the underground, we saw this beautiful cat who did a really cute pose to my camera:
I know! Isn't he cute? And yes, he was on the top of the car!

Yesterday, we saw a squirrel but we couldn't photograph it. However, today, wildlife was everywhere! This is probably a baby squirrel because of its size but it was so cute and was a little scared.

That's all for today! I didn't make a video for today because we arrived really late at home.

See you tomorrow!

PS - did you know that BBC 3 does a Doctor Who marathon? I was really surprised and it made me remember how much I adore Amy and Rory Pond. *_*

British Invasion Day 6: video

British Invasion Day 5: video

Thursday 29 May 2014

British Invasion: Day 9

Today, we went to The Who Shop. To every Whovian out there, this is a place where we can fangirl and nobody is going to judge us.

My mum and I opened the TARDIS' door:

And we visited the museum:

 K-9 and his biggest fan: my mum


I loved everything in the museum, but this painting... I wasn't expecting and it really touched my heart, because The Ultimate Ginger is very special to me.

I could speak hours about this amazing shop and museum, but I'll just say that we can see that everything has dedication, love and caring, specially the museum. To any Whovian, and even for someone who isn't a fan, trust me, you're gonna love it!

We bought our mugs, of course, and key chains! Each one of us has a TARDIS key chain, now! I have the key of the TARDIS!!!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

British Invasion: Day 8

Hello everyone!

A week ago I was exhausted, my back hurt and I was ready to go to bed (or, most likely, I would be asleep). I has been a week since I am here with my mum and it has been a blast.

Unfortunately, yesterday night we had a little problem with our neighbours (don't worry, we are fine) but, still, we couldn't sleep much through the rest of the night so today, we stayed at home. My mum did some laundry and mopped (yes, we bought a mop!) the room. I basically slept the whole day (and I am tired as if I had been up all day).

I am really glad that my blog is turning into a success. My point with this blog is to show you some of the things that I love and am interested about. I hope that is what I am accomplishing.

Also, I did some reading today. What I mean to say is that I started reading Doctor Who Magazine and I am really enjoying it. It is really expensive, it is totally worth it.

It rained all day and the temperature is really low: 17ÂșC was the maximum for today.

Right now, I am going to read some Mansfield Park before fall asleep. I just love Jane Austen!

Tomorrow I'll update my photos, don't worry.


Tuesday 27 May 2014

British Invasion: Day 7

Today it rained a lot!
However, we stopped at Baker Street (again, I know) and I have some photos to show you!

 This is some Fish & Chips from Holmes'

We bought a trolley for shopping at Argos:

Also, I bought Doctor Who magazine (more info - aka photos, tomorrow; I have to read it first)

British Invasion: Day 6

Today we visited Elephant and Castle:

And visited Baker Street (again). However, here are some photos of a Park nearby.

It was a rainy day and we had to write our CVs so we stayed at home most of the time.