Wednesday 28 May 2014

British Invasion: Day 8

Hello everyone!

A week ago I was exhausted, my back hurt and I was ready to go to bed (or, most likely, I would be asleep). I has been a week since I am here with my mum and it has been a blast.

Unfortunately, yesterday night we had a little problem with our neighbours (don't worry, we are fine) but, still, we couldn't sleep much through the rest of the night so today, we stayed at home. My mum did some laundry and mopped (yes, we bought a mop!) the room. I basically slept the whole day (and I am tired as if I had been up all day).

I am really glad that my blog is turning into a success. My point with this blog is to show you some of the things that I love and am interested about. I hope that is what I am accomplishing.

Also, I did some reading today. What I mean to say is that I started reading Doctor Who Magazine and I am really enjoying it. It is really expensive, it is totally worth it.

It rained all day and the temperature is really low: 17ÂșC was the maximum for today.

Right now, I am going to read some Mansfield Park before fall asleep. I just love Jane Austen!

Tomorrow I'll update my photos, don't worry.


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