Sunday, 30 August 2015

Book Review: On Writing by Stephen King

It wasn't what I was expecting but I enjoyed it

This is the first book that I read by Stephen King. Somehow, I feel that I know him because the writing style also defines person. This book is more a memoir than a writing text book. People talked a lot about his tips but I found so many and what saddens me is that the book is not even about that.
 He writes about his writing journey - from the beginning. His tips are advices and knowledge that he acquired throughout his long life but if you can learn one thing from this book it that there are no rules when it comes to writing. Yes, you follow certain standard things (he focuses a lot in grammar and vocabulary) but the rest is all up to you.
In the end, it wasn't what I was expecting but I wasn't disappointed. He writes as if he is talking to you about his writing over tea. I felt that close to him. I think that I didn't enjoy the book as much as I wanted to but I am also taking some of his knowledge about writing to my own stories, which is something incredible. I will probably never read something from him - I'm not a horror person - but now I know how his work works and that is the best backstage sneak peek that I could ask for.

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