Saturday, 8 August 2015

Book Review: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

The plot thickens...

Cassandra has a way of enchanting us throughtout the books and it is possible to see her evolution as an author as well which is amazing and I believe it is one of the most incredible things that a reader might experience while reading a book series.
Clary is so strong, something that pleased me a lot because I've always seen her as a little teenager who didn't know what to do in a world full of monsters. After all, she can take care of herself. Alongside, Simon: he will always be my favourite character, there's no question in that. He is funny and sweet and here he is a true warrior, summoning an angel, defying his rage and defending not only the ones that he loves but himself as well.
Alec and Magnus... well, what can I say? Bloody hell! I understand both point of view and I am angry at Alec as well even though it was crystal clear that he would've never considered the proposal.
Sebastian is that awful thing. I thought that Valentine was crazy, but Sebastian is a whole other level, trying to live two lives at the same time. Impossible.
Jocelyn, on the other hand, even though she was the key for the first three books, she has lost her charm, I believe, now that she's alive. I still don't know what to expect of her, but I'm not expecting much. I think that her past is far more interesting than her present or future.

I only have City of Heavenly Fire to read. I already am nostalgic of this series that I learnt to love.

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