Saturday 21 June 2014

British Invasion: Day 31 - 10 Reasons why you should watch TFIOS

Hello everyone!
So, I know that I didn't post anything on the last few days, but it is because my life has been so dull that I have nothing to say to you.
However, today I went to see TFIOS aka The Fault In Our Stars, and I have to say that never have I ever cried as much as I did in this movie.

1 - It sticked to the book so much it hurt! And it was good! It was so loyal to the book that I was surprised! And then, I got so proud of the movie, so happy for it's loyalty to what John Green wrote, that it made me cry. See, this is reason number one of why I was crying.

2 - Shailene, Ansel and Nat. What can I say? Besides the fact that they are brilliant actors, I think that this will be the movie that everyone will think as soon as they think of their names. They will be like Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic. Everybody thinks of Titanic when they think of them.

3 - The Perfect Hazel. I know Shailene because of Divergent, but here she is this sweet character, who has no point in life, besides thinking of TV Reality Shows and appointments with the doctors. She is this reliable character that I can relate, and most of us can too, because Gus is her first love, and she is so sick that she doesn't want to hurt him. She uses this metaphor: "I'm a grenade and I want to minimalize the casualities."
Also, when Gus (spoiler), she made me cry so much. I am going to tell you just little bit of the scene. Do not read the part in italics, if you haven't seen the movie yet.

The scene when she hears the phone and then her parents come in and she simply breaks down was so emotional that I also couldn't stop crying. We could see her in so much pain, the 10/10 like she said after, and we can feel her pain because we started loving Augustus and his/their journey. It is so not fair for her to loose him like she did, because she knew that he suffered in the end, and nobody should have that pain in those few last days on Earth.

4 - The Perfect Augustus. When I read TFIOS I had this character in my mind so vivid that I thought: there's no one in this world that could possibly look like I imagine him. I was wrong. His name? Ansel Elgort. I didn't even know he existed until the showed up on my Facebook feed with the subtitle that he was going to be Augustus. I had major expectations for Augustus. And Ansel was Gus, with no question. He incoporated the character so perfectly that I don't know if there are words in this world that show how much grateful I am for Ansel to be my Augustus Waters. I think that, if one day I find Ansel, I'll hug him and I'll say "thank you very much". I am thankful for the little infitniy that he gave to Gus. I am so grateful that he was the perfect actor. I am so grateful for not screwing up this beautiful and joyful character that Augustus is.

5 - The soundtrack. Absolutely perfect. It fit in every bit of the movie, and it was so good to listen to this beautiful and contemporary songs in this movie. To everyone who was involved in this task, thank you so much. These will be the songs that will follow me for the rest of my life.
In the end, when All of the Stars (by Ed Sheeran) played in the final credits, I left the room, because otherwise I would burst into tears again. That is how powerful the soundtrack is in this movie.

6 - The parents. Unlike the book, the movie focused a lot on the parents. Hazel's and Augustus's ones. And I think that was a great idea, because the book is written in Hazel's POV so, for example, Augustus's parents stayed in the shadow too much. In the movie, we got to see his parents a little bit more, and I'm not saying that they have more scenes than they have in the book. No, they have two scenes, but they are so present that I could understand them so much better in the book. The final scene - who read the book/saw the movie knows what scene I'm talking about - we could get a close shot of them and I felt so pitiful for them. Really, it was pity. Because I was crying like Augustus was part of my life, too.
About Hazel's parents... uau! Beautiful performances from both actors. SPOILER: I loved that scene when her Dad picks them up from the airport. END OF SPOILER. We could relate to them too, they are trying to help her daughter face her cancer, while they see her grow up and inevitably, they cannot take away the pain that she feels. So, they feel helpless and hopeless sometimes.

7 - It's life. What can I say? It really is. This should be the most important reason why you should watch the movie. It teaches you a life lesson: it teaches you to celebrate each day that you have, because others don't get the same luck that you have to be alive. It makes you feel so grateful for the life that you have.  It makes you feel that you are so lucky, and that you should thank everyday for the person that you are and for the life that you have. It also makes you fight for it, like Hazel fights her cancer, like Augustus fought until he could. He didn't deny himself a simple guilty pleasure, because he knew that life should be celebrated for what it is: life. After I left the movie theatre, I took a deep breath, and felt my lungs filling with the London air and I've never felt so alive as I did in that moment.

8 - Funny scenes. If makes you burst into tears, really. Isaac is there for that, he is the "life of the party". He and Augustus share this brotherhood that, no matter what, they do not let their problems control them. They are there for each other, like real brothers should do. Augustus always has someting funny to say and I have to say (and forgot to say it before) that Ansel has a facial expression that, even though there are no subtitles, you can see the subtitles! It is amazing to see his facial expression and understand what its meaning! Also, so many funny scenes regarding that.

9 - Amsterdam. Some scenes were shot in Amsterdam and you got to see some of the most amazing and wonderful things that the city has to offer you. I know, I sound like a tourist guide but it is true! This amazing director, Josh Boone, gave us a little sightseeing through Hazel and Augustus sightseeing tour, and I believe  that was incredibly clever. Also, for the romance that Hazel and Gus are living, I think that the colours and contemporaneity that the city transmits, are perfect.

10 - John Green. He is the author of the book and he was very active on set. He wrote this beautiful book and that is why he is on my top 10 reasons why you should watch the movie. He is the Father of TFIOS. I think that we should be very grateful to him, for everything that he did: he decided to write a book; he decided that the main characters would have cancer, but this wouldn't be a story about cancer; he decided to write a contemporary novel for the young adults to read; he decided that he would break our hearts in a way that we would never forget; he decided to celebrate life through a book. I believe that he has magic in his hands, that his mind is bright and his compassion and humanity are unique.

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